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The Word of God Endures Forever

“The green grass dries up, the blossom withers, but the word of our God endures forever.”—Isaiah 40:8


Opened in November 2017 in Washington, D.C., the Museum of the Bible (MOTB) is the world’s largest museum dedicated to the Bible, spanning 430,000 square feet. It is a non-sectarian private institution with a mission to “invite all people to engage with the Bible.” Prior to that opening date, we at Oasis began working with museum officials to develop an exclusive private tour that enriches visitors with an in-depth exploration of the Bible’s history, preservation, and authenticity.

Our tour highlights how Almighty God not only inspired men to record His thoughts but also ensured those thoughts would be preserved across 3,500 years of copying and translation. Through the museum’s extensive collection, we examine over 2,200 years of Bible translation, exploring the challenges to its preservation and how historical copies compare to the texts we have today. This process offers compelling evidence of the Bible’s accuracy and authenticity over time.


Visitors will experience firsthand an extraordinary collection of biblical artifacts, including:

  • A Bodmer papyrus codex of the Septuagint (2nd–3rd century CE)
  • The Book of Romans from a Gutenberg Bible (circa 1455 CE), the first major book printed with movable type
  • William Tyndale’s 1552 New Testament, the first English translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures
  • Early editions of Martin Luther’s translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures, including a hand-signed edition
  • A rare first edition of the 1611 King James Bible
  • First editions of the Douay-Rheims Bible, the first Catholic Bible translated into English
  • The world’s largest private collection of retired Torah scrolls, spanning 700+ years of history

Although MOTB was not developed by the faithful and discreet slave,” it houses numerous reference works and historical artifacts that have been used in researching Bible study publications. Visitors will find original scrolls, parchment fragments, manuscripts, polyglots, and translation tools—many of which have been quoted and depicted in our study materials.

We invite you to join us on this unique and enriching tour, where history, faith, and scholarship come together to illuminate the Bible’s incredible journey through time.


We are confident this tour will strengthen the faith of all and build even greater appreciation for how the Holy Scriptures have survived for over 3,500 years!  Just some of the beneficial points to ponder for this tour are:

  • Is there proof the Bible was divinely inspired and preserved?
  • How far back in the writings of man do we find references to Gods name and his name people?
  • What efforts have devout individuals throughout the ages made in order to preserve this precious book?
  • What is notable about the countries many of these people lived in?
  • How does the style of translation influence a readers comprehension?
  • Could any of those involved in Bible translation, copying, and printing have been anointed?
  • What influence did the Bible have in the history of Anglo-American world power?
  • What impact has the Bible had on a global scale?

These are just a few of the highlights you can expect when you join us for The Word of God Endures Forever tour at the MOTB.      


The Word of God Endures Forever tour is designed for all age groups and experience levels in mind.  Our guides will be sure to keep your young ones interested as we have included a special project just for them for them.  They’ll participate actively as we explore the museum’s collection.  After the tour is over you can take time to let your kids explore many of the interactive galleries designed especially for children.


  • The tour lasts approximately 3 hours and includes a break for water and bathroom.
  • After the tour, your tickets allow you to explore the many interactive and immersive experiences within the museum.
  • All guides are well-trained, experienced brothers and sisters.
  • The museum is located very close to the National Mall and many other D.C. attractions.
  • Tours are currently conducted in English, Spanish and German with other languages soon to follow.
  • This tour can be taken by itself and will also be included in our multi-day Washington D.C. tour entitled: The Horn and the Holy Ones

See our MOTB FAQ page for more information about our tours there. 

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