The Woman and Her Offspring - Phenomenon
“And I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring. He will crush your head, and you will strike him in the heel.” – Gen 3:15
A completely revised and expanded version of The Woman and Her Offspring!
Did you know that the first prophecy in the Bible, Genesis 3:15, has affected the worship of mankind all over the world from then until now? You will see with your own eyes the way in which, knowingly or unknowingly, civilizations and religions have been dramatically influenced by this prophecy. From the time the prophecy was spoken in the Garden of Eden some 6,000 years ago until the 1st Century C.E. – exactly how it would unfold remained a ‘sacred secret.’ (Col 1:26-27; it-2 p. 837) This tour spans nearly every culture, civilization and religion of mankind. Little did each of them realize how they were directly affected by events related to The Woman and Her Offspring. Are you aware of the different ways? You might be surprised. (it-1 pp. 973-980) They will be brought to life on this comprehensive Biblical tour.
We continue to be involved in the settlement of issues raised by the true meaning of The Woman and Her Offspring. No wonder, this prophecy has been called “A Prophecy That Ties the Bible Together.” (w11 1/1 p. 10)
- Who uttered this prophecy and to whom?
- What was the meaning and fulfillment of this prophecy?
- How does it affect us today?
We will find out together. If you have questions concerning our Met Museum tours, prior to booking, please see our Frequently Asked Questions.
Enjoy our other tours at the MET!
This tour of Greece and Rome will strengthen your determination to continue as a faithful integrity keeper. Learn more…
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Build appreciation in the hearts of young ones for the ‘gift’ of art that the creator has endowed mankind with. Learn more…
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